Current News

Liri Tent Served The Events of Hong Kong Return 20th Anniversary

What kind of experience is it to receive a national leader at a mobile assembly venue? July 1st,2017 is the…

7 years ago

Unite and forge ahead for 20 years

One person pick firewood is not enough, but many people pick firewood will make the fire burn high. One can…

7 years ago

Keep Going And Never Stop, Now We Are 20 Years Old

Twenty years ago, the originator of LIRI as pioneer made unremitting efforts to create China tent industry development. LIRI started by a…

7 years ago

LIRI Tent Spring Company Tour

In order to promote team spirit in such wonderful springtime, Zhuhai LIRI Tent organized three days trip in Yan Shuo…

7 years ago

Management Committee of Doumen District Governments Visited Liri Tent

On April 20th, 2017, Management committee of Doumen District Governments visited Liri Tent and explored the company development. Our management…

7 years ago

“Spirit of Craftsman” is Developing LIRI’s Competitive Tents

“Encouraging enterprises to adopt custom-tailored and flexible production processes and to foster the craftsmanship spirit of striving for the best,…

7 years ago

Entitled“Brand-name Product in Guangdong Provide”, is Honor, and More is Responsibility

Recently, the list of 2016 "brand-name products in Guangdong Province" was made public. With excellent product technology, powerful manufacturing ability,…

7 years ago

Thank You , LIRI Members

2017 LIRI Tents Annual Evening Party was held on the evening of 8th February. LIRI Tents Prepared grand dinner and rich bonus prizes to express gratitude to…

7 years ago

LIRI TENT’s 10 breakthrough in 2016

Recalling the busy 2016, the tent industry has shown explosive growth,especially since the "Strong Commitment To The Development Of Assembly-building" was issued…

7 years ago

Great Annual Party in LIRI TENT

At this time of every year, it is time for all enterprises to plan and prepare the annual party.  The annual party…

7 years ago