The pictures are the 20X40m clear party tents hall, which offers 800sqm which is popularly used for 600 people capacity wedding party with banquet tables and chairs 100% usage of the space.
The transparent roofing of clear party tents makes people get close to nature, under the blue sky, white clouds and standing in the green garden, enjoying the joy of the parties.
Party tents are an amazing choice for various wedding parties.
10m 3.88m 5.53m 5m 204x110x4mm (4 – channel) transparent Party tent price
I want a clear A frame tent 20 x 40.
Hi , I’m looking for a clear tent for 65 guest. Our backyard area is 27ft by48ft.
Can you gove a price ? Do we need the professional one to assemble ?
Address ie in Easton CT.
Thank you
How much 20 x 40?
Price list