
Liri Super Tent Theatre

In the evening of 7th June 2014,”The Tide from Taiwan” was put on the stage, three well-known singers Jonathan Lee, Samuel Tai, and Julia Peng presented a great show with many classic and famous songs,5000 audiences were fascinated with this splendid concert. It is reported that The Tide from Taiwan – Jonathan Lee concert was organized by Agile, the owners of Zhongshan Agile were invited to this concert, they also invited all celebrities in business, culture, art, education to this show, audiences are up to 5000 people. Inside the large concert tent, the music from our Taiwan singers were quite touching to everyone.

Liri Super Tent Theatre with 40m width and 80m length, in order to set the stage, lighting trusses, and other equipment, this super tent has risen from standard 4m to 6m. Liri Tent provided a brilliant space for this first thousand-people concert in Zhongshan City, along with the Tide Music,5000 audiences witnessed the start of “Agile VIP Group-buying Month” in June.

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