
Liri tent 2023 Fire drill

On June 21, Liri tent carried out the ‘mid year Fire drill’, in which all the staff participated, striving to ‘everyone talks about safety and everyone can respond to emergencies’. Every six months, Liri tent conducts a fire drill, pay attention to the safety of employees’ lives and strive to react faster than the last time. Evacuation is faster. Ensure the safety of every employee’s life.

Liri tent 2023 Fire drill (1)Liri tent 2023 Fire drill (2)Liri tent 2023 Fire drill (3)Liri tent 2023 Fire drill (4)Liri tent 2023 Fire drill (5)

Not relaxing, not neglecting, and valuing fire drills means valuing one’s own life. Fires are ruthless, and only by being fully prepared, organized, and responsive at all times we can build a strong line of defense for fire safety. Practical exercises require employees at Liri to know theory, understand methods, and be able to apply them. We should actively learn and master relevant knowledge to enhance our awareness of fire prevention, and everyone can become a fire prevention person.

Liri tent 2023 Fire drill (6)Liri tent 2023 Fire drill (7)Liri tent 2023 Fire drill (8)

Through this exercise, whole staff of Liri tent have further improved their fire awareness, enhanced their ability to respond and resist unexpected events through their understanding, cognition, and practical experience. In the future, in production work, Liri will continue to pay close attention to safety work, take preventive measures, and safeguard the life line of fire safety for all Liri staff.

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