
Liri Tent for the 2014 Longines Finals of Hong Kong

On Dec 7th,2014, the 2014 Longines Finals of Hong Kong Jockey Club of China Tour in Guangzhou was completed successfully on sports training center in Huang Village, Guangdong. Guangzhou Finals is the first time to upgrade to be 3 star-events of the International Equestrian Federation, and also the first domestic 3 star-Equestrian Jumping of International Equestrian Federation. Bonuses are up to RMB 1,630,000 and include four official events: common challenge, classic, the Hongkong Jockey Club championship and Longines Grand Prix. In addition, it also included individual dressage test and ultra high jumping.

On Dec. 7th, the international riders performed perfectly well, won two championships in the three tournaments. Olympic champion, Ben Maher from the UK, won the most important champion of Longines Grand Prix in China Tour. The Chinese player’s performance was also excellent on the day. In dressage equestrian events which also known as ” ballet” optional music subjects, three players from Guangdong, Gu Bing, Huang Zhuo Qin, Tin Zhi Qin was ranked Top 3. Erden Gizhigara entered Playoff with zero penalties in the second game of the final of the Grand Prix ( 145-150cm), but finally, it is a pity to miss the champion.

At the end of the game, General Secretary of China Equestrian Association Mr. Li Nianxi has made the summary to the finals,“This year, the 4 races of the China Tour have a great impact on the Chinese equestrian and also Guangzhou station is with most high-level riders.

Although it was raining in Guangzhou, in the day, but stand attendance was still quite good. The tents provided by Liri Tents have played a very important role.

Liri Tent focus on high-end events tents,supplying more than 10,000 square meters equestrian tents for the event,including the classic ” A” shape VIP catering tents,Polygon tents for multifunctional Rest Area,Double Deckers tents for seat viewing and judging seating,and stable tents—five star hotel for horses to feed and rest,which to offer services for riders,judges,audience and horses.

Equestrian competition events tent events tents Equestrian competition events tent racecourse tents

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