
7000sqm Remarkable Sport Event Tent Installation Finished in 72h

7000sqm Remarkable Sports Event Tent Installation Finished in 72h

         Longines Equestrian Beijing Masters is China’s first league in the international horse equestrian events. Liri Tent has been joined Longines Equestrian Beijing Masters for two consecutive years in Birds Nest, which is one of the best three stadiums in the world.

Sport Event Tent

7000Tent, 175 Horses

         The tournament set up tents totaling 7,000 square meters, one third more than last year. Sport event tents for horse stables, horse racing room, athlete lounge, VIP lounge, locker equestrian athletes, referees lounge, equestrian supplies storage rooms and other purposes.

equestrian events

         175 race houses, which is the most number of horses for Longines Equestrian Beijing International Masters.

equestrian events tent

72 Hours in 3 Days, Installation Finished with High Quality and Efficient

         Since August 28 the evening of the Nest Mayday concert organized, the leading time for the sixth Longines Equestrian Beijing Masters is quite tie since concert from rock band Mayday on August 28. Three days and nights of time, Liri Tent completed a remarkable installation work, to guarantee the smooth development of events.

Remarkable Sport Event Tent Installation Finished

Unique Experience with Double Decker High Peak Sports Event Tent for VIP Viewing Balcony

          Double decker sports event tent with high peak design is a beautiful landscape in the game. 360-degree views from second floor VIP balcony make you have close experience with the equestrian.

High Peak Double Decker Tent


Maters Gathered in Birds Nest, Famous Stars Came to Beijing

        The tournament attracted top riders with the luxury athletic lineup from all over the world. Famous stars Eddie appeared blue carpet ceremony and Lee Tsung-Han, Jin Chen, Sun Xiao Xiao, Zhang Yao and other star guests joined equestrian events. Gentleman demeanor and elegant ladies gathered in the stadium, which added eye-catching bright for the event.

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