
annual tour for Liri employees

The once-awaited annual Liri employee trip started once again! !! The tourism destination arranged by the company is Zhaoqing, and the biggest feature of this trip is “slow”. The time from schedule arrangement to travel project participation was loose, we were wandering leisurely, feeling so casual everywhere. The trip made us so joyful, many children on the bus had a big smile on their faces because of this relax trip. It added a lot of fun for the entire journey, so careful arrangement is indeed LIRI style.

At this moment, colleagues located in Beijing, Guangzhou, and workshops have started their tours to other attractions well-prepared by the company. ( Yes, our company can arrange and start many tour routes for employees, very thanks for so careful arrangement!). The laughter on the journey allowed us to reach our sights unnoticed.

We were strong enough to walk along the way to see the beauty of nature and water, also visited the traditional buildings with special culture, and taste the local delicious food. Even on the way back to our home, we are still talking about the interesting things which happened during the journey, it is also a unforgettable memories for Lirier.

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