
Network Security Depends on Everybody, Tent Safety on LIRI

“The first national network security publicity week” was started up on 24th Nov. at China Millennium Monument in Beijing. It is held from 24th to 30th November 2014, it is scheduled to be held in the last week of November in every year. This activity was held under the auspices by the Central Network Security and Information Leading Group Office (The central network office),the State Commission Office for Public Sector Reform (SCOPSR),Ministry of Education,Ministry of Science and Technology,Ministry of Industry and Information Technology,Ministry of Public Security,Peoples Bank of China,State General Administration of Press,Publication,Radio,Film Television and other departments.

The theme for the publicity week in this year is “building a network security, sharing network civilization”. It will hold a free and open “perceiving security around” public experience exhibition, provide a vivid network security experience and network security knowledge lecture series for the public in China Millennium Monument Plaza.

The tents in China Millennium Monument are supplied by Zhuhai Liri Tent Technology t Co. Ltd. Liri Tent avatars tent security guard. We provide outdoor space reliable security for this publicity week. Chinese President Jinping Xi who chaired the first meeting of the central network security and information leading group had pointed out that “without network security than without national security, without informatization then without modernization”, Likewise,” without Liri Tent then without safe outdoor conference halls”!

Since its establishment in 1997, Liri Tent company has accumulated years of Tent production experience, with professional and skilled engineering team,the rapid installation of safety and reliability tests, the introduction of CNC machining center and German automatical washing machine for PVC fabrics and other advanced technologies, multi tent series were approved by the USA and Australian authority inspection institutions. Liri committed to customer demand, customer satisfaction as the focus of attention develops the innovation unceasingly for design innovation, we won over 10 national utility models every year. Trust Liri, who can provide the best quality, the most safety and high-quality tent structures for you.

largest tent Tent Safety on LIRI

outdoor largest tent

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