Early autumn of Beijing ushered in a sports event, 2019 Longines Equestrian Beijing Masters officially declared start in Beijing Lu Dege Bierbaum · Equestrian Center.
6,000 square meters of sports event tent
The double decker tent for sports event provided by the Liri Tent, respectively used for Jockey lounge (stables tents), horse racing room, equestrian athletes lounge, VIP visitors lounge, locker equestrian athletes, referees lounge, equestrian supplies storage rooms and other purposes.
Finally, whether you need a permanent active application architecture, or events requiring temporary buildings, Liri Tent provides you with the perfect solution. The convenience of our activities tent building in almost any venue. Asphalt, grass and other flexible application that provides flexible space. Due to a few basic requirements and the low cost, so the maintenance is simple and cheap. Most crucially, the modular design of the Liri double decker tent for sports event provides a good foundation for the integration of events tent, so it can absolutely tailor active application architecture for you according to your needs.