
Thank You , LIRI Members

2017 LIRI Tents Annual Evening Party was held on the evening of 8th February.

LIRI Tents Prepared grand dinner and rich bonus prizes to express gratitude to his staff.  Thanks for their hard working in the past years and hope it brings them more good luck to this new year.

With wonderful performance as the very beginning, LIRI members very enjoyed the shows.

With the lucky drawer rolling, the house was filled with nervous, excited and cheerful. The atmosphere was quite active.

Meanwhile, outstanding staff were commended because they have done an excellent job in the past year. They set a good example for us.

Especially to thanks those who stick with their ordinary position for over ten years and have made extraordinary contributions to LIRI Tents. LIRI Tents issued an award, namely “Solidarity” to award them. They have witnessed every progress of LIRI Tents.

Pay will be harvested. The unprecedented performance was created and tent rental reached a new height in 2016, which were the joint efforts of LIRI members.

We’re looking forward to a new high peak in 2017.

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