
The Tents From Liri Were Set Up On Alashanzuoqi Camps Successfully

The Tents From Liri Were Set Up On Alashanzuoqi Camps Successfully – Strong Power to 2013 China Grand Rally.
With 2013 China Cross Country Rally Game going forward fiercely, Liri Tent as the China Rally official and exclusive tents supplier and sponsor, providing the logistical tents for this important match. As this game stops the transfer, all the tents located on first stop Hohhot camps have been dismantled completely, and then all the tents have been transferred to Alashazuoqi stop and have been erected successfully in this morning.

Alashanzuoqi located in the west of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region and the most area is desert and semi-desert plain. Mr. Liang is the General Director of Lir Tent, as he has introduced that all these tents that are used for camps restaurants,sharons, event command centers, media centers, medical centers are the same as the ones in Hohhot camps. In recent 2days, with the cold air and warm air convection, the temperature is lower and rain is coming, and there is four to five force northwest wind recently. When the wind is coming with the dust everywhere, it is very hard for people to open their eyes. Under such bad weather condition, it becomes more and more difficult to construct the tents. However, the workers from Liri Tent can overcome all the difficulties and finish this heavy work completely. Now all the tents for the games are standing on the Alashanzuoqi camps strongly and safely.

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