
University Students From the U.S. Come Visit Liri Tent

On January 9th,2013, Liri Tent was happy to host Taylor University for the 3rd time for their students practice exchange. The students were led by Professor Sherlock who is a teacher of International Business. All 11 of the students showed great interest in the fast development of China and hope to do business between the U.S. and China in the future.

After we showed all of them around the big marquee showroom, workshops, warehouses, offices, and even the nice dormitories,professor Sherlock states “I am surprised that every year when I come I always find big growth at Liri and this time the growth is beyond my expectation, I will always choose Liri as our first station of practice exchange.”

General Manager of Liri Tent, Mr. Tian hopes that more and more U.S. university students come to China to exchange not only in business but also in culture. He believes that this will help bring more understanding and benefits to China and the U.S.

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