
A brief Analysis of theTent Rental Market in Tianjin and Beijing

The tent is generally considered a simple tool used for camping. However, nowadays, when you are walking in the square, park, or sports stadium, some big tents like houses can easily be spotted.

In the north China market of Beijing and Tianjin, outdoor big tents are being widely used, especially for some exhibition and event companies. When they provide the active project to their customers, they will usually recommend to them to set up a temporary big tent in an outdoor plaza in order to decorate the action scene and meet their temporary needs.

In Tianjin, tent rental is mostly used for big exhibitions as a result of the shortage in fixed exhibition space and too many exhibitors. Setting up tents as temporary exhibition halls on the square has solved this problem perfectly, and it’s also very convenient. With the Tianjin East Asian Games coming soon, there will be further demands for the outdoor big tents. Zhuhai Liri Tent Technology Co., Ltd. has the honor to provide tent rental and tent construction services for this great event.

In Beijing, tent rental is not only used in exhibitions but also used in some outdoor activities such as music festivals, carnivals, outdoor weddings, etc. This kind of tent was also used for some big sports events like the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. In recent years, many outdoor tents have been seen outside of the Birds Nest in Beijing.

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